
Translate the Silence of the Map

  • Year:2017
  • Material:



  • Area:


    Tokyo Midtown

  • Award:

    Tokyo Midtown Award 2017 グランプリ受賞

    Tokyo Midtown Award 2017 Grand Prize

ここに刻まれているのはすべて都市の名前です。 知っている都市名から、あなたはなにを思い浮かべますか。最近の出来事や、ささやかな思い出、誰かの声などでしょうか。



Engraved here are the names of cities. When you see the names of cities you know, what thoughts come to you? Do you think of something that happened recently or in the past or do you remember the sound of someone’s voice?

Please listen to those memories; old memories and other people’s memories lie hidden within the name of a city. Like a humming, rumbling noise, all these memories are jumbled together in the city.